Tip of the Week – 03 Mar 2011

Tip of the Week: Fiber connectors are available with three different types of end face polish, PC (physical contact flat), SPC (super physical contact), UPC (ultra physical contact), APC (angle physical contact).  These different polish types identify the amount of curvature that is placed onto the connector end face during the manufacturing process. The curvature primarily determines the amount of optical power that is reflected back at the connection when two connectors are mated.  Also, the less reflected power that occurs, the lower the connector insertion loss (except for APC). In general, typical reflectance specs are as follows (however individual manufactures may vary from these values): PC    < -30 dB SPC < -40 dB UPC < -50 dB APC < -60 dB UPC connectors are now commonly used for all single mode applications including high speed and DWDM networks. 
 APC are typically only used at the transmit end of high output power lasers found in many PON and video distribution networks. Because of the angle polish, the APC connector has the best reflectance values but also has a higher insertion loss than UPC connectors.It should be noted that APC connectors should only be mated with other APC connectors.  Damage to the connector may occur if an APC connector is mated with a non APC type.  The APC connector boot color is green in order to identify it; non APC connector boot’s are blue (single mode fiber).When specifying connector polish, the polish acronym is written after the connector type.  For example, SC type connector with ultra polish is written as SC-UPC or SC/UPC. Pertinent Products/Services: DWDM LiteTM Transponder Our DWDM LiteTM Transponder converts any 1310nm or 1550nm 10G signal, including SONET, SDH, and 10GigE to tunable DWDM channels.  Then transmit the signal up to 200 km through any DWDM network including passive networks! Features include :
  • compatible with all 10GigE, SONET, SDH signals
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  • low signal latency of 13 ns
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  • tunable over all DWDM channels, 200GHz, 100GHz, and 50 GHz spaced
  • completely standalone, no other equipment required
  • much more!
Contact us for more details and pricing. To view our products and services, surf to http://www.TelecomEngineering.com/products.htm To learn more about this topic and other fiber optic network topics, refer to my following books (publisher McGraw-Hill): Did you miss last week’s Tip?  If so feel free to peruse this month’s archived Tips at https://www.telecomengineering.com/About_us/Tip_of_week/tipofweek.htm Contacts: For information about our products and pricing contact us at toll free 1-888-250-1562 . If you have any questions regarding this tip or other fiber networking concerns, please feel free to email me at BChomycz@TelecomEngineering.com. To unsubscribe from this email newsletter Click Here or reply to this email and in subject line place “Unsubscribe”. To add a new subscription to this email newsletter Click Here or reply to this email and in subject line place “Subscribe”. Please feel free to forward this email to other industry professionals that may be interested in this newsletter. *Note: All prices shown are in US$ and products are shipped FOB Minnesota, USA. Prices may change without notice. Bob Chomycz, P.Eng. President Telecom Engineering, Inc.  Toll Free:  1.888.250.1562 www.TelecomEngineering.com The contents of this email is protected by copyright law and is intended for the private use of the designated individual named above. Unauthorized distribution and/or publishing of this content is prohibited. The information in this email is intended as a general guideline only and is not to be used in actual network engineering design.  Please contact us for proper design values for your network.