Golden Valley, MN. – September 7, 2006 – Telecom Engineering USA, Inc. announced today that they have completed the engineering and supply of a multi node 16 wavelength DWDM network for Park Region Mutual Telephone Company in Minnesota.  This leading edge network uses MRV Communications Fiber Driver® Product Line transponders and TIP 16 wavelength universal DWDM multiplexers capable of transmission rates up to 10 Gbps / OC-192 on each wavelength. Using only one bidirectional fiber strand connection between sites, the network capacity is capable of 80 Gbps.  Existing Cisco 15454 SONET and GigE traffic are currently transported over this DWDM backbone with ample room for growth. Additional features of this new network include; fully protocol and data rate transparent, optical client side interfaces from 100 Mbps to 10 Gbps, accepts alien wavelengths, expandable fiber backbone to 80 Gbps, GigE multiplexing, user friendly network management and remote access GUI , easy expansion using pluggables such as SFP, XFP, GBIC,  and Xenpak. “This economical DWDM solution provides us with significantly more fiber bandwidth using scarce fiber network strands.” Dale Thompson, Systems Engineer, Park Region Mutual Telephone Company, MN.
Telecom Engineering services include engineering, design, installation, testing, repair, 24x7 support and monitoring of fiber optic, wireless/WiFi and copper networks!